Tuesday, November 17, 2020

"The Kraken Was Released Several Days Ago"???

Via Gateway Pundit, I see that Sidney Powell has tweeted, in response to someone urging her actually to release it, "The Kraken was released several days ago," with a quote from scripture. But a number of intelligent commentators have already been giving her the benefit of the doubt, expecting the real kraken would appear as she could release more evidence. Now, apparently what we see now is what we get.

I'm starting to lose confidence.

The video below from Robert Gruler, while again giving Powell the benefit of the doubt, is also increasingly skeptical:

At about 25:00, he makes an important point: a certain part of the Powell-Giuliani argument is that key Deep State actors in the FBI and CIA worked against Trump throughout his administration. The difficulty with this, according to Gruler, is that Trump was their boss. If he didn't like what they were doing, he could fire and replace any of them, as in fact he did sporadically. But the Trump team's argument is hinging more and more on the idea that, according to Powell, hundreds of thousands, even millions, of votes were stolen via a widespread conspiracy involving the voting machines.

And as Gruler and other commentators have pointed out, just recounts and audits simply won't be enough to reverse the results. You've got to establish a massive conspiracy, someting close to Jason Bourne level, involving CIA and FBI complicity.

As Gruler says, this isn't totally beyond the realm of possibility -- but there's a very short time to make this more credible than it currently is, and I'm losing confidence in Powell's ability to bring this off.


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