Friday, September 6, 2024

Again, Where Are The Harris Surrogates?

Joe Biden, back from vacation, was out and about yesterday, but it had nothing to do with Kamala, whom he at least nominally supports. Via the New York Post:

President Joe Biden visited a small town in western Wisconsin Thursday to talk up his infrastructure and energy spending in the swing state at a local electrical supply company.

The visit to the Dairy State, his first since stepping out of the presidential race, was on official presidential business and unconnected to the Harris-Walz campaign — but that didn’t stop Biden from mentioning his “predecessor” Donald Trump several times during his twenty-five-minute speech. according to CNN, this is fine:

Harris’ political momentum and her chances in November hinge partly on her success in painting herself as a fresh option for voters and dispelling any notion she’s pitching for the second term of the unpopular president, Joe Biden.

But Kamala was in New Hampshire Wednesday, and none of the usual suspects like Bernie Sanders was campaigning with her, even though Sanders had been a Joe Biden surrogate there just a year ago:

Joe Biden’s effort to strip New Hampshire of its first-in-the-nation primary could keep the sitting president from campaigning in the state in the run-up to the 2024 primaries.

But his allies can.

Onetime rival-turned-cheerleader Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont crossed state lines Saturday to deliver an economic policy speech — with plenty of praise for the Biden administration — at presidential pit-stop Saint Anselm College. California Rep. Ro Khanna headlined a major state Democratic Party fundraiser in May. And Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro is keynoting New Hampshire Democrats’ annual convention next month.

So where's Ro Khanna now?

Progressive Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) warned Vice President Kamala Harris Wednesday against pursuing a tax on unrealized capital gains despite Harris signaling support for President Biden’s fiscal year 2025 budget proposal that would do just that.

“Let’s say you’re an entrepreneur, you create a company, it gets to $100 million or $200 million on paper. Now if you’re taxing that, you’re probably going to force that person to sell it,” Khanna, whose Silicon Valley-based district is the wealthiest in the US, told CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

“Do you really want the entrepreneurs to be forced to sell their companies to larger institutions and to decline in value? I don’t think that’s what you want for a startup ecosystem,” added Khanna, who did not mention his fellow Californian by name.

What about Josh Shapiro? In fhe wake of what appears to have benn a polite thanks-but-no-thanks to Kamala after his interview for running mate, he was full of brave words about how he was going to campaign for her nonetheless:

President Joe Biden says he and Gov. Josh Shapiro will travel around Pennsylvania this fall on behalf of Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

Mr. Biden, who was born in Scranton, told CBS’ “Sunday Morning” in an interview that the two men would campaign for Ms. Harris in the nation’s most populous battleground state. Pennsylvania is all but a must-win state for the Democratic ticket this fall as most paths to the 270 electoral votes needed for victory involve winning the Keystone State.

Except now Joe says he won't be doing this, the Secret Service won't let him. The story goes on,

"I was talking to Governor Shapiro, who's a friend,” Mr. Biden said on CBS. “We have got to win Pennsylvania, my original home state. He and I are putting together a campaign tour in Pennsylvania. I'm going to be campaigning in other states as well. And I'm going to do whatever Kamala thinks I can do to help most."

Mr. Biden did not offer any further details. The Democrats hold their national convention in Chicago beginning Monday.

So far, nothing more has materialized from either Joe or Josh. But again, it may not be just the Secret Service who won't let Joe campaign for Kamala:

When Kamala Harris took to the stage during a Democratic primary debate before the 2020 election and implied that Joe Biden was racist, his wife, Jill's, response was crystal clear.

'Go f**k yourself,' the then-future first lady vented, as she allegedly admitted during a conference call with supporters.

And the relationship between the two women – that began badly enough during that contentious battle for the presidential nomination – has only gone downhill from there.

. . . According to one former Democrat operative in Jill's circle, the women's long-seated animosity is 'one hundred per cent' part of Jill's resistance to having her 81-year-old husband step aside.

Because the truth, according to a source who knows the First Couple well, is that Jill's is now the only voice to which the 46th president listens.

And as far as Jill, 73, is concerned, the only thing worse than her husband stepping down would be Kamala stepping up to replace him.

I get the feeling that if Dr Jill has anything to do with it, that campaign tour Joe was going to take with Shapiro in Pennsylvania isn't going to happen.

As for Shapiro, I'm just not sure how much enthusiasm there actually is among any Democrat insiders for either Kamala or her prospects. They're looking to 2028 already and don't want to be associated with a loser.


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