Wednesday, September 18, 2024

“There Is A Very Real Possibility That There Is a MOLE In The Secret Service”

Arizona Republican Rep Eli Crane said,

My advice to the President is to bolster your private security around you not only to fill holes in the gaps that the Secret Service continues to leave open but also to watch the watchers.

There is a very real possibility that there is a mole in the Secret Service team surrounding the President or at the highest levels of the Secret Service. So he needs somebody, like a group of individuals around him that are loyal to him.

He's not the only elected official who's uncomfortable with the organs of state security, Florida Gov Ron DeSantis said on the Jesse Watters show Monday night:

I don't think it's in the best interest of this country to say that agencies like the FBI and DOJ, which are trying to prosecute Trump in South Florida, they're on appeal at the 11th Circuit trying to reinstate an indictment that had been dismissed, that they're the best people to turn around and one, give us the truth about this defendant, but also to prosecute the case where they don't have as strong of jurisdictional claims.

On top of that, the Special Agent In Charge of the Miami FBI office, which is leading the investigation into the golf course assassination attempt, has a history of anti-Trump social media posts:

[A] whistleblower told the House Judiciary Committee that the FBI made Veltri scrub his anti-Trump social media posts before promoting him to lead the Miami Field Office, according to The Washington Times.

“It was well known that Veltri was adamantly and vocally anti-Trump,” the whistleblower said in a disclosure, reported by the Times.

FBI Director Christopher Wray, Deputy Director Paul Abbate, and Executive Assistant Director of Human Resources Jennifer Moore were all allegedly involved in telling Veltri to whitewash his online posts. According to the Times, the whistleblower said those officials were worried about whether “information related to Veltri’s political bias can be removed from the public domain” rather than about his “bias against Trump.”

“Wray, Abbate and Moore wanted to ensure that Veltri appeared non-political, [so] Veltri was ordered to remove all of his Facebook and social media posts that were anti-Trump,” the whistleblower said.

The whistleblower also said, if an agent was deemed to be a “right-wing radical,” Veltri was in charge of efforts targeting those agents’ security clearances.

As I noted yesterday, Ryan Routh's activites had come to the attention of the FBI, the State Department, and presumably other intelligence agencies over the past five years due to his extensive travel to Poland, Ukraine, and Romania, as well as his attempts to recruit Afghans to fight in Ukraine. This is the sort of thing that raises red flags on any security-related background check, and it's hard for me to believe somebody within the organs of state security didn't have their eye on him.

There are multiple potential problems for the organs in these circumstances. At minimum, questions could come up over whether various reports -- for instance, that he was a felon-in-possession, or that he was possibly involved in human trafficking -- were taken seriously. That alone could place the organs in a bad light and threaten careers. But if, as I think is entirely possible, he was employed as some type of freelance informant by one of the organs while on his various quixotic missions, things would begin to look miuch worse.

If one of the organs had been covering his travel expenses, even if it had nothing to do with the golf course episode, it wouid be worse yet. A writer called Sam J notes on Twitchy, observing he told the court at his arraignment that his income was only $3000 a month:

How the Hell could someone living on $3000 a month be able to afford travel, weapons, and GoPro equipment? And he flew from Hawaii ... see what we mean? It makes zero sense. Then you add in all of his bizarre connections to Ukraine and strange history with law enforcement, media, and yes, even Washington D.C. and it just turns into a giant ball of tinfoil filled with conspiracy theories.

But let's leave all the conspiracy theories about the organs aside and simply theorize that, completely under the organs' radar, Routh was being paid by someone, Ukraine, Romania, Elbonia, whatever. And maybe it had absolutely nothing to do with the golf course business, they just wanted his expertise as a roofer. There would be cries from Congress simply over the fact that the organs missed this. There is simply no upside for the organs that the golf course business happened at all, but if they're involved either in giving money to the guy or deliberately ignoring reports about him, it's much, much worse.

And this leaves aside the other issues that are quite plausible -- that, as Rep Crane suggests, there could be a mole in the Secret Service, or as I suggested yesterday, the FBI bugged Mar-a-Lago during the August 2022 raid, or some other deep state cabal was behind Crooks, Routh, both, or someone else. I think we've alreay begun a process of slow-walking this second investigation, and it doesn't even need to be because any single thing needs to be covered up, because any serious scrutiny of the organs and how they function will be disastrous.

It intrigues me that they've got Routh's phone, they've presumably got his travel records, they've no doubt got his bank and financial records, there's been plenty of time to get any needed warrants, and this is a hot button investigation -- but nobody else seems to be a person of interest, much less arrested. Ronald Rowe, acting Secret Service head, is in West Palm Beach for the foreseeable future. And Jeffrey Veltri is running the investigation. So far, we don't have a motive for the suspect, but the G-men are on the case.

Yeah, right.


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