Friday, February 11, 2022

"Big Gretchen 'Ro!"

Ever since Rush Limbaugh's passing, I've been wondering who'll replace him. The most obvious candidate has been Tucker Carlson, but his problem (which Limbaugh himself recognized) is that as a Trinity College alum (to be clear, the "little Ivy" liberal arts school in Hartford, CT), he's too Episcopalian and too prep, and indeed, as the son of a deep state actor and media bigwig, too connected to the existing system.

The current Canadian Freedom Convoy story is beginning to illustrate what Limbaugh alone at his best was able to bring to the party: an out-of-control sense of humor. There's something uniquely Canadian about the response to the Freedom Convoy that resonates with the US picture of Canada, however distorted this may be, but the overwhelming fact is that, as the "occupations" of Ottawa, Windsor, and Coutts continue with Trudeau and other civil authorities making impotent threats, the situation has become hilariously entertaining.

And as Ezra Levant noted, Trudeau's mess is creeping over the bridge. One of the best commentators so far has been a YouTuber, Robert Gouveia, Esq, an attorney with a DUI practice in Arizona. Originally I found him unfocused and prolix, but he's been polishing his game, and his coverage of the Freedom Convoy has the Limbaugh touch that's been missing -- indeed, Limbaugh was missing the Limbaugh touch himself for the last years of his life. Last night's commentary was a tour de force:

He has nicknames for many of the key players as Limbaugh would have had: Ottawa City Councillor Carol Ann Meehan is "Meltdown Meehan"; Michican Gov Whitmer is "Big Gretchen 'Ro". Press Secretary Psaki is "Vice President Psaki". He lingers lovingly over the name of Windsor, ON Mayor Drew Dilkens. And he falls back on his legal expertise to outline the basic strategies available to the truckers to fight the traffic citations the authorities are trying to issue them. It's likely that the citations will cause a backlog in the municipal courts equivalent to the backup of traffic on the Ottawa streets.

Yesterday I cited two of two of Saul Alinsky's rules for radicals, "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon," and "A good tactic is one your people enjoy." This continues to be the case. Coverage from both US and Canadian legacy media continues oblivious to the humor of the situation, while sympathizers in the US can't wait to join the game. It appears that, with the Ambassador Bridge blocked between Detroit and Windsor, truckers have been trying to use bridges in the Buffalo area as an alternate, but demonstrators on the US side are now preparing to block this route as well.

If nothing else, this is superb entertainment. If potential successors to El Rushbo emerge from it, so much the better.


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