What's Happening To Poor Andrew Cuomo?
In today's headliness: NY AG to launch Cuomo ‘harass’ probe, admin lawyers up on nursing home scandal
Lower Down: Covid-19: The U.S. Is Edging Toward Normal, Alarming Some Officials
Do you see a connection? I do.
Let's back up. As Limbaugh used to say, politics is Hollywood for ugly people. Translation: an ugly guy can get a lot more action in elective office than out of it. There's nothing unique about Andrew Cuomo. In fact, the lizard people who run the planet like it that way, just as the ancient emperors in Rome and Persia did: if a procurator was corrupt, they'd tolerate it until it was convenient to remove him for corruption.
Next, I don't think the current US political leadership is runnng anything directly. Speaker Pelosi and President Biden are both generally assumed to be working under seriously impaired judgment. They're surrounded and cosseted by handlers, with a few hovering in the background who are clued in to what's happening, much better than they are themselves.They say and do what they're told. In this case, they and their handlers have been told it's convenient to remove Cuomo -- they've been told, in fact, to be shocked, shocked.
Why? Cuomo said let's play strip poker? He blocked some lady going out the door and kissed her? It's been alleged that Gropin' Joe's done far worse. Let's not even think about Slick Willie. The problem isn't that Cuomo's a low-level, garden-variety horndog. There's got to be something else that's got the lizard people really, really pissed off. Consider that just weeks ago, he was riding high on a book deal where his ghostwriter told us how great a job he did handling COVID as governor. He and Fauci were on CNN together congratulating each other.
I do think the problem for the lizard people is in fact COVID, but it isn't the nursing homes. Who are the lizard people in this case? Two I would nominate are Bill Gates and Laurene Powell Jobs. If one of their handlers called the White House, you can be certain one of Biden's handlers would pick up the phone.
What would Bill Gates be pissed off about? (I assume Mrs Jobs is generally aligned with Gates as well.) Gates recently said wealthy countries shoud switch to 100% synthetic beef. He's on climate change like white on rice, though I believe he has his doubts about rice.
But let's recall that farting cows are only part of the climate change agenda. We'll have to do a lot more than get rid of cattle to fix the climate, and as a clued-in lizard person, Gates must certainly be aware of this. Received opinion among the climate crazies, as we saw in yesterday's post, is that while we have to eliminate gas powered cars by 2035, we've also got to reduce world population by 2100. That's less than 80 years from now. Free condoms and Planned Parenthood aren't gonna cut it if we're gonna make that goal.
I think people with this mindset had enormous expectations for COVID that were never remotely met. They relied on the Imperial College model, it was gonna be the Black Death, throw out your dead every morning, mass graves in public parks. The hospital ships would be feckless to deal with the sick and dying. This would be the fulfillment of their population-reduction fantasy, or at least a very good start.
I don't think it ever quite registered with the likes of Bill Gates that the COVID pandemic wasn't working out that way -- and it's taken them a year to realize things in the US, as the headline says, are edging back to normal (which has some officials alarmed). Not only that, but the courts, after a slow start, have begun to recognize again the existence of natural rights, and they're setting precedents that will make it more difficult, when the time comes, to nominate large segments of the population to be humanely put down in the name of climate change, since COVID didn't do the job.
Cuomo was the face of COVID. It didn't help, though, that he lost some of the key cases that have got things headed back to normal. He was getting prizes for the great job he was doing just a few weeks ago. But as far as Gates and those of his mindset are concerned, he's blown it. He's the current scapegoat for the failure of that part of the agenda.