Fr Hunwicke Throttles Back To Modified Limited Intemperate
So OK, Fr Hunwicke is canonically, and certainly represents himself as, a priest of the Roman Catholic Church. But leaving aside his near-exclusive focus on pre-Conciliar liturgy, let's look at a Church teaching he so far hasn't disputed, the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. Now, I'm a Catholic convert, but then, so is he. As far as I can tell, this is the Catholic position:
In his letter to the Galatians, St. Paul lists the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal 5:22-23). These fruits emanate or proceed from the Holy Spirit and reveal what the Holy Spirit is like. . . . The grace and power of the Holy Spirit give increase to these fruits. A confirmed person cooperates with this grace, and with growth in holiness, these fruits expand and intensify.
We wpuld expect a Catholic priest to teach and even model these virtues. And this goes all the way back to St Paul, nothing novus ordo about it. So why is Fr Hunwicke such an angry hothead all the time? It almost sounds as though his conscience has pestered him, or people have maybe brought this to his attention. On Saturday, he posted this:
Furthermore: I ask those who comment to keep their voices down a bit. What I mean is: however strong your views, please express them moderately and without violence of language. I do not wish to waste what remains of my life wondering whether something is "bad enough" to be binned!
Finally: I remind all readers that comments which state or imply that Pope Francis is not, or (even) may not be, the lawful occupant of the See of Rome, will not be accepted, even if the language is very restrained!! That subject is off limits. It is quite simply not up for discussion.
. . . But opinions expressed by those who submit comments to this blog should be low-key and never intemperate.
But this follows a week of posts where I've noted he compares Pope Francis to Hitler, Stalin, and Kim Jong-Un; calls him a "tyrant" (which I note is a ruler who is unrestrained by law, or one who has usurped a legitimate ruler's sovereignty); and accuses him of "Bergoglian rage". And after telling his commenters never to be intemperate, just yesterday he posted concernng the Holy See,It is important to remember that we are not at the mercy of honourable or decent people, and that PF's hatred of us is, er, visceral.
Masks for thee but not for me, huh? One thing I've noted as a blogger and an observer of the blog phenomenon is that blogs get the comments that the bloggers encourage. My own experience is that even courteous and constructive comments that largely, but not completely, endorse most bloggers' opinions don't get approved. Fr Hunwicke's visitors have told me he's never approved comments that disagree. Now he's threatening not to approve even commeents that are correct but intemperate, while he continues to be as intemperate as he pleases.Bloggers create the atmosphere on their blogs. Fr Hunwicke is scolding his visitors for endorsing his own opinions, which are never either low-key or temperate. Beyond that, Fr Hunwicke plays footsie himself with sedevacantism and pre-Conciliarism. The day after he threatened to moderate "comments which state or imply that Pope Francis is not, or (even) may not be, the lawful occupant of the See of Rome", he himself posted,
PF's evident policy of destroying the Authentic Roman Rite, and his recent purported legislative action, lack auctoritas and place no burden upon anybody's conscience.
I guess Fr Hunwicke means that Francis is sorta-kinda the lawful occupant of the See, but his actions sorta-kinda lack authority. A day after he's denounced any commenter who even tentatively suggests this. And of course, none of this represents love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness or self-control.Fr Hunwicke tells us he's celebrated the Roman Canon daily since his youth. How come it's had so little effect on him personally, as St Paul says it should? If it's done him, one of its major proponents, so little apparent good, why should I prefer it? Where are his superiors? Maybe more important, where are his friends, especially the friends who daily send me links to his posts?