Sunday, October 6, 2024

This Is Too Good Not To Notice

Let me start out being perfectly clear: these allegations are completely unsubstantiated, and the video has the air of something produced to look like a James O'Keefe-style undercover video, but made in some cheap studio. So take it with heavy skepticism. Even so, it has a certain ring of truth.

This post at MSN introduces and summarizes the video:

Independent journalist James Bolden posted a video on social media, showing a man claiming Kamala Harris is somehow linked to the Hunter Biden cocaine scandal. Without providing any evidence, the unidentified individual said President Biden's son took fall for the incident. Neither the president nor the First Son have reacted to the newly surfaced clip yet.

. . . Now, a man told Bolden that the cocaine was brought into the White House by a Kamala Harris staffer. The speaker explains that media blamed Hunter Biden for the incident, but some insiders knew that the VP's staff was involved. The scandal eventually led to a heated conversation between President Biden and Harris, he added.

. . . However, there is no concrete evidence to prove this theory.

The story quotes the unidentified speaker in the video:

"We either blame Hunter or put the blame where it rightfully belonged on Harris and her staff, which, you know, that would have destroyed Biden's campaign. Everybody knows that Hunter's a drug addict, but if people got wind that...Harris' work was partaking in the best-given use. This would cause a major problem. So it was Harris who brought the cocaine? No, but the cocaine was brought in for Harris. The one from the staff brought it. Clearly, some high-rating staffer," he added.

Last July 3, I said,

[M]y instinct says the Secret Service, the FBI, the DC police, and whoever else know, for instance, whose baggie of coke was in the cubby outside the White House Sit Room last summer, and it wasn't Hunter's. Frankly, Kamala's speech is just a little too nasal for it not to have been hers. I would guess the deep state is sitting on quite a bit that could be used as leverage. . .

This theory is indirectly borne out by a tweet from former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino a week ago: This points back to the vetting problem I brought up in yesterday's post. Second Dude Doug Emhoff, whether he actually slapped his date at the Nice film festival in 2012, was clearly familiar with the jet-set partying lifestyle, and specifics aside, the Daily Mail had full documentation that he and his date were drinking heavily at a party they left at 3:00 AM. You have to be pretty cranked up to do this sort of thing in your late 40s, and I very much doubt that booze was all that was involved.

But here's another question: she married Dougie, a high-powered attorney, in 2014, when she was California Attorney General, an office she held from 2011 to 2017, when she took office as a US senator. Dougie remained a high powered attorney until Kamala was elected vice president, when it was belatedly determined that his position as a high-powered attorney would be a conflict of interest for her. Apparently nobody ever asked if Dougie's position was a conflict of interest while she was state attorney general, nor a US senator.

In fact, once I started to look at Dougie's career in more detail last week, I started to ask myself how someone living his cranked-up lifestyle could contiinue in the upper echelons of the legal profession, and it only dawned on me just the other day that he kept his jobs in the later phase of his career precisely because he was married to the state attorney general and then a US senator. In other words, hire Dougie or his firm, your case will have a sympathetic ear.

This, of course, was the Biden family frammis as well. But it's worth considering that the Biden frammis, with Hunter as a key ingredient, had to be assiduously covered up in the 2020 campaign, and its elements were a problem for Joe's reelection until his cognitive condition overtook everything else. But nobody has even begun to look at how Dougie's position represented a major conflict for Kamala in her career as state attorney general and US senator.

It's a major question how she and Dougie were able to bypass any sort of conventional vetting in the runup to her selection as Joe's running mate. This would have included, but not been limited to, their likely heavy cocaine use throughout their marriage.