Wait A Moment: Just How Many Laptops Has Hunter Lost?
I ask this because a new figure (at least, new to me) has been making the talking head rounds, Andrew Kerr, an investigative reporter for the Washington Examiner. Kerr is currently best known for revealing a Dec. 3, 2018 recording, previously undiscovered on the laptop Hunter abandoned at a Delaware repair shop, in which Hunter rambles at length on the theme, "Yeah, my father will take any policy positions that I want him to adopt."
In at least one interview, though, Kerr suggests this isn't the only one of Hunter's laptops that's gone astray. I haven't been able to find any hard-copy piece by Kerr on the subject, but I did finally run into another piece from last summer here:
In an explicit video obtained by the Daily Mail, Hunter Biden told a sex worker back in 2019 that allegedly, Russian drug dealers had stolen his laptop that may have contained "sensitive information" after they partied with him in Las Vegas back in 2018.
The video in question — reportedly filmed via his laptop — showed the 51-year-old after a sexual encounter with the woman. Throughout the video, Biden rehashes an alleged drug fueled period of time spent with the Russian dealers. The lawyer said that he "was with these guys. The one guy was, not like you anyway… each night he'd be like 'there's going to be so many people here, crazy f***ing party' and each night it's nobody."
. . . President Joe Biden's son detailed the night that he believes his computer was taken stating, "I went out to the hot tub by myself, which hangs over the edge of the f***ing top floor, with glass, it's ridiculous. And so I'm sitting there and that's the last I remember. And I don't ever pass out, ever. I wake up and the only people that are there are Miguel, the guy frantically running round gathering things up, ok – and Miguel, and Pierce, this guy, his friend."
. . . This is when, the father-of-five began to get suspicious about the location of his device. "I think he's the one that stole my computer. I think the three of them, the three guys that were like a little group. The dealer and his two guys, I took them everywhere. F***ing everywhere, crazy out of your mind sh**," the Yale alum claimed.
If this story is true -- at least, it comes from Hunter himself -- this is an entirely separate laptop, allegedly stolen in 2018 from a Las Vegas high-roller suite by shadowy cronies with Russian connections. This isn't the same laptop as the one Hunter left with the Delaware computer repair shop in April 2019 and never picked up. At about 11:21 in the interview linked above, Kerr refers to this episode and says that at minimum, the last user-updated file on the Delaware laptop is from April 2019, so that at minimum, the Las Vegas laptop, if it exists, is not identical to the Delaware one, copies of which are currently in various hands.At about 14:11, Kerr goes on to say that Hunter had a large number of Apple devices that were also linked to this laptop, and backups for which were kept on it, so that there are potentially many more data sources available on the laptop that haven't yet been explored.
There are several questions here that are so far unanswered. One is simply the enormous bills that Hunter ran up during that legendary 2018 cocaine bender. Kerr suggersts in the interview that Hunter was moving from one $10,000 a night suite to another in Las Vegas before he eventually wound up at the Chateau Marmont in Hollywood. We know very little about this -- where he was, whom he was with, and especially how much this all cost. Even given his salary as a director of Burisma and the baksheesh from China, I've got to think his expenses on that bender alone far exceeded his income. Who picked up all his tabs?
Second, we already know that Los Angeles entertainment lawyer Kevin Morris, who is said to be funding Hunter's current lifestyle and has a team of 30 lawyers investigating the abandoned laptop, seems to be the go-to fixer at this point. Just what is he up to?
And as I've already asked, even a Hollywood lawyer can't afford to pay Hunter's various tabs, bail him out of his multimillion-dollar tax problems, and hire 30 other lawyers to look into the laptop. Who's really behind this? We might hear more after the election, at least.