The Trans Conundrum
Here's what I can't figure out. President Biden, facing some of the lowest poll numbers of any president ever at this point in his term, has made transsexualism a signature issue, notwithstanding it's deeply unpopular even with people who are same-sex attracted:
“There is a large body of silent opinion among gay men and many lesbians that deeply believes in [biological] sex differences, cherishes and celebrates the male and female bodies, and does not see gayness as connected to transgender experience,” gay rights author Andrew Sullivan wrote. “Gay happiness depends on our owning our own [male or female biological] sex, not denying it.”
. . . The transgender ideology insists that government should deny the importance of biology in shaping people’s politics and personal lives.
Instead, transgenderism asserts that government should champion each person’s chosen sense of “gender” — which is defined as their sense of feeling male or female.
. . . The focus on feelings also gives status-seeking K-12 teachers a righteous excuse to groom an effeminate young boy or an insecure girl (who may or may not grow up to be gay or lesbian) towards a transgender identity, complete with a lifetime of sterilizing drugs, surgeries, loneliness, and poor health.
The transgender view also creates a lucrative opportunity for drug companies, doctors, and surgeons to feel virtuous about reshaping children’s or teenagers’ bodies to mimic the appearance of the opposite sex, regardless of the trauma and damage being done to children.
This suggests the actual voters and financial support for transgender aren't young teens who may be struggling with identity -- after all, they're too young to vote -- but a growing culture of elites who profit from a problem they themselves create, indeed by telling the children and young teens what their problem is. By the same token, the movement to conceal from the parents of the children and young teens that they're being counseled to transition, and indeed may be receiving medical treatment for a perceived condition without the parents' consent, is an indication that there is nothing spontaneous or voluntary about transsexualism. It's programmed by people with a hidden agenda.What's the underlying agenda? It probably isn't actually related to pedophilia or same-sex atrraction; the point being made by gay and lesbian activists is that they happen to be attracted to members of their own sex for sexual reasons, however disordered that may be from the standpoint of natural law. Gender dysphoria is being sold as an entirely different problem with an entirely different solution.
In fact, the solutions appear to be different based on the age of the patient. Post-pubescent men, even if they undergo hormone treatments, almost always retain their full sexual equipment and frequently appear to continue to have sexual relations with women; witness the trans men who sue to be incarcerated in women's prisons and then get the women inmates pregnant.
On the other hand, a prepubescent boy who is convinced by his teachers and counselors that he's trans is a candidate for puberty blockers and further treatment, including castration. Why?
Clearly the motivation behind this isn't being fully examined given the current state of the public dialogue. I would imagine that some part of the agenda is depopulation, but this would require a significant number of young males to be sterilized, and it's far from clear that even the most enthusiastic campaign of mass grooming can accomplish this.
But if the object is vastly to increase the number of castrated men, this could also have implications simply for keeping the overall population docile.
Another motive couid be antifeminism, to erase any idea of a separate female identity by in effect making females a version of males and perhaps eventually wiping them out once a more controllable means of reproduction can be devised -- recall that in the TV series Fringe, the Observers, technologically enhanced humanoids from the future, are an all-male race that is able to reproduce in an unspecified way. The fantasy, if nothing else, is out there.
The most we can say is that one of the least popular presidents in US history has made transsexualism a signature issue and claimed transsexuals are made in God's image. As battles in the Plebe War go, this is going to turn out about as well as the encirclement of Kyiv.