Saturday, September 21, 2024

Springfield, OH Mayor Profits From Haitians

In this post a week ago, I suggested that municipalities like Springfield, OH, Aurora, CO, and Charleroi, PA have experienced particulary troublesome influxes of illegal or quasi-legal immigrants because local power players, abetted by politicians, have exploited government subsidies, routed via non-profits, to make money off them. It hasn't been hard for local investigative reporters to uncover these schemes, as I discussed at that link regarding the case in Aurora, CO.

Now it turns out that the mayor of Springfield, OH is in on the same sort of boodle. Via the Buckeye Reporter,

A Buckeye Reporter investigation has confirmed that Mayor Rob Rue of Springfield, Ohio, is renting out apartments in buildings that he owns to Haitian immigrants—a move that some local residents are calling a conflict of interest.

. . . A few blocks away from Little and Rue Funeral Home, also owned by Rue, a 37-year-old man who introduced himself as “Works” lives in an apartment on an estate worth an estimated $1.3 million.

Works told Buckeye Reporter that he and other Haitian immigrants reside in properties owned by Rue.

. . . According to public records, Rue owns several rental properties in Springfield through his company, Littleton Properties of Springfield LLC.

. . . Rue became the Mayor of Springfield in 2023 and previously served as City Commissioner and Assistant Mayor, and is actively involved in local community boards.

Several residents have expressed disappointment with Rue’s leadership, suspecting he may have ulterior motives as he has overseen a significant influx of Haitian immigrants over the past two years.

Approximately 20,000 immigrants from Haiti have been brought into the community, with rumors suggesting that another 10,000 may arrive.

. . . “If Mayor Rue is renting out his properties to illegals the public should know. He should recuse himself from any vote on the Commission because he directly benefits financially from any federal funds received to support the illegals,” the Futurist™ X account said last week.

Residents of Springfield have noted they have been kicked out of their apartments to make room for Haitian immigrants.

“They've been raising the rent a lot,” 16-year-old Saphire Flores told Buckeye Reporter.

Rentals and government-subsidized rents are just one way the local power players make money off the Haitians.

[Springfield activist Bill] Monaghan said the situation is being exploited by certain individuals who are turning a profit.

“You've got this George Ten guy from First Diversity who now, you live in his house, he drives you to work, he takes a cut of your pay. It's just like a modern day slave operation,” he said.

Next door to Ten's First Diversity offices are a general store geared towards the Haitian population as well as a Haitian religious and community center.

. . . Through Ten Enterprises, LLC he owns at least 42 buildings in Springfield.

“He runs these temp agencies, brings in migrant workers, recruits them at the border, or probably with that all of these Haitians,” Monaghan said. “They're probably flying in straight from Haiti with this TPS program (Temporary Protected Status). So, yeah, he's kind of one of the leading slumlords, slave masters or whatever you want to call the guys in his operation.”

Monaghan said the entire immigration operation in Springfield reeks of corruption.

Let's recall that the people who've been consulted by the media that's been "fact-checking" claims that Haitians are eating cats, dogs, ducks, and geese have been the Mayor of Springfield and other city officials like the city manager and police chief, who at best don't want to get crosswise with the mayor, or at worst may be in on the boodle themselves. Thus we heard last week,

Springfield city and Clark County officials sought to set the record straight Tuesday after Springfield became fodder for the broader immigration debate as misinformation about Haitian immigrants garnered national attention.

Springfield Mayor Rob Rue said at a press conference Tuesday that rumors of pets or wildlife being eaten by Haitian immigrants were absolutely false, with zero verified reports of specific claims. He said Haitian immigrants had also not been reported to police to be squatting or littering in front of people’s homes.

“Rumors like this are taking away from the real issues such as issues involving our housing or school resources and our overwhelmed healthcare system,” Rue said.

Except that Rue himself, a Republican, is making money off the Haitians and raising rents on everyone, profiting from the housing shortage he's caused by bringing in the Haitians. And he definitely doesn't like it that Trump is focusing attention on his city, and neither does Republican Gov DeWine, who seems to be allied with Rue on this:

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and Springfield Mayor Rob Rue said at a press conference Thursday that they would like former President Donald Trump to stop making false claims about Haitian immigrants in Springfield and added they had not been in direct contact with him about his upcoming visit to the city.

Asked during a Q&A session if they were directly asking Trump not to come to Springfield, neither would go that far, but Rue came close. “As a visit from the former president will undoubtedly place additional demands on our safety infrastructure, should he choose to change his plans, it would convey a significant message of peace to the city of Springfield,” Rue said.

. . . In response to a question about whether he is hopeful that Trump will stop making baseless claims about Springfield, DeWine said “Well, I hope he does.”

Baseless claims indeed. Eat the cats! Eat, eat the cats!